Breath- the experience of futuristic shoe
Research plan divided into 4 Phases:
Phase 1: Discovery (sensing, contextual research)
Phase 2: Definition (analysis and synthesis, framework insights)
Phase 3: Development (solution ideation)
Phase 4: Delivery ( 3D renderings)
Contribution credits
Ravinder singh
Design Brief
Despite the development of thousands of varieties in shoes, the problems of heat ventilation, odor and blisters/infections are still not fully solved. Insufficient air circulation inside the shoes causes glands in the feet to sweat and stick to the insides. With regular use, this generates heat, leading to blisters and unpleasant odors that can easily become an embarrassment for the us

Air circulation textures

Initial brand performance mapping

Target audience

Problem statement :
All that heat in an enclosed shoe is bound to result in sweating, rashes and therefore odor smell.
Umbrella question:
How to get rid of the rise in temperature inside the shoes and prevent rashes and sweating which leads to odor smell from the feet.
End user insights

I want sustainable material in my
It should be light in weight
It should release heat and prevent rashes
It should not smell at all
It should look sporty
It should be a smart shoe
Design criteria

Mood Board Inspiration